Monday, February 28, 2011

Effects Of Benzocaine And Cocaine

The Visit [Book staging]

This weekend, the room Lionel Villeneuve (which houses the Theatre Mic Mac ) took, in all likelihood (although I rather the look ...), land Saguenay site while a team has embarked on the task of painting the scenery The Visit by the model proposed.

Here is a series of photographs (Christian Roberge) that show the evolution of work:

On the photo shows four major collaborators (mostly the costumes of record) of this production: Lise Ouellet Nicole Guillemette, Melanie Tremblay and Lucie Guillemette

Change 1

Change 2

Evolution 3

Final result ... finally, pending the doorways

Decor versus mock

I admit to having a haste to go immeasurable (in a short week) to see what happens gives true with actors in costume on this stage who does not represent any particular piece, which has no mimetic function but rather a dynamic function unavoidable (especially given the slope, the perspective, the doors, the area of backlash).


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