Monday, February 21, 2011

Discover Interchange Rates

"The critic's lament solitary (D. Cote)

Here are excerpts from the editorial side of Daniel, cultural journalist by profession, appeared in the latest edition of Progress -Sunday (or yesterday's ). I belong here, although they differ somewhat from the strictly theater, because it is a particular response to Joel Martel's View (this column after ) - that I 'I, too, Cloven (well. ..) in a ticket February 10 - and a response to criticism from various the same environment (which I shared extensively on this blog, since 2007). Point of view, therefore, on the other side of the coin:

The critic's lonely lament

[...] After seeing how some artists could show, even when criticisms leveled by critics drowned in an ocean of compliments, Joel Martel lamented the timidity of the local press. When she discusses the works designed by people here, "empathy outweighs the franchise," he states.

This is not the first time that such comments were made. A few years ago, about the same kind had been held at the Radio-Canada. It's like the monster of Loch Ness. This theme reappears from time, but each time, it remains in limbo. It is suggested that journalists lack courage, but without elaborating. [...] [...]

I do not mind critical reviews, including those from our publications, but I'd rather see other newspapers, other stations out their comfort zone. Where appropriate, I'll be the first to rejoice if different views. It will be interesting press releases disguised as news.

About the content, otherwise, I assume that to my boss is the reader. Not the artist or colleagues. When I go to a show, I realize what happened, while delivering some considerations that merit is the only reflect my opinion.

I am building on my experience as a journalist, which does not strike me as a weakness. I am neither a musician nor an actor, and I brace. If someone wants to know if the soprano has missed a note in the middle of his recital, I want to say: "Get a life."
[...] [...]

Another clarification I think helps to bring about my approach shows. In this regard, my tastes do not matter. I seek to determine whether people who appreciate the artist was paid back. [...] [...]

As creators of the area, I find them much merit to persist as they do, but that's not reason enough to entice readers to attend to their productions. It has to justify the move, which I must say, is generally the case. They do not need a journalist handout criticism complacent.

I found important in this perpetual debate on critical ( criticism in general), to give this vision ... I respect that view although I do not entirely agree ...


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