Sunday, February 27, 2011

Nadine Jansen Mud Wrestling

A "Shipyard" in Saguenay

Hall Cultural factor, Jonquière. It's cold enough ... The piece that presents is Shipyard, a text by Jean-Paul Quéinnec (whose writing aqueous deserves an analysis in itself ...), a theater production Always on the Horizon of Larochelle.

A text then. A text and actors ... the decor has not found a place in the suitcases, travel savings oblige.

outset the subject does not resonate in my imagination. Historically rooted in the region, before being Jeannois Sagueneen, the shipyard is an abstraction for me, just as big as it is. And yet, there is a breath here, unvarnished findings may be relevant as well to the agricultural world that forest the industrial world while aluminum and paper: the end of a lifestyle The sinking of the benchmarks, the quest for a new world ...

On site, the workforce decreases progressively for years. One night, Francis, Claude and his two son Andrew, Lili's uncle, decided to sink the ship they just built. And disappear with him. Nine, the wife of Andrew, who is one of the sailors in the port bars, joined them for a final exchange. Watched The inhabitants of Pallice gathered by Guiguite sister of Francis, the boat is sinking into the icy water. The men run and three women: Nine, my cousin, Guiguite, wake Jacques, the younger brother, all four go to 6000 miles to a country where all white they reinvent their lives *.

Writing dense, frenetic ... French ... Such a wave of words that overwhelm the performers who measure it. A rapid and uncompromising writing that constructs a fable legendary family by a series of narratives most often monologic . The ear should abandon them to taste the rich, absorb it to seize, overcome the difficulties caused by accents and expressions typically European to bring out the pleasure of listening to these distant voices. Writing demanding.

The parts follow each other on an elliptical fashion, at the risk of surprise and disorient the viewer: on the waterfront in the hold of a ship over a mountain to witness the sinking of a boat ... All care-yet-despite some lengths some unity and coherence strong enough to make the connection between the audience and stage.

The game is notable: a display of precision and accuracy accented Needless to say, the lack of scenery and props; bodies that are held and provide a frontal particular where looks are fleeting; an appetizer efficient and dynamic. Backed by a soundtrack permanent, it sometimes takes on the appearance of choreography (like restless sleep on the floor near the dance expression or synchronized swimming) and physical numbers (as the actress reversed reciting his text) that may weaken be the balance of the tray by calling other types of game levels that mainly used, closer droop.

In sum, this proposal aesthetic (and scenic!) Of Boatyard works, despite the physical constraints and has the dual advantage of writing to discover and to reflect on itself ...
* Many links can be made between this text and Dredging : strong presence of water, shipwreck, emigration, new world.


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