Saturday, February 19, 2011

Gold Bars In Dubai Airport

The Visit [Book staging]

I put a picture (of me) the model of the decor The Visit ... because finally, in the fifth weekend of rehearsal, we will repeat in a space enclosed by these walls pierced.

Since the beginning of the adventure, we have tilted the floor (small enough, in fact ... with, front, sixteen feet wide at the rear, 10 feet and twelve ... feet deep) ... but placed on the stage open. I repeat myself but never mind ... The number of inputs and outputs of this appalling production so consistently placed players waiting around. Became the focus stage, so, more difficult to achieve.

Now it will be a thing of the past. The camera triggered by the appearance of the walls, the impression of confinement, crushing, can be beneficial in the evolution of this show. The adjustments will be much more effective.

We also take this weekend to do the traditional dinner production, event designed primarily to meet the team in other omens ...


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