Monday, February 28, 2011

Losing Virgnity Vidoes

The choralité, plastic foundation

If there is one principle which I particularly like the theater, it is that chorus, choralité, choral effect. It is, in my view, one of the most theatrical of the forts, theatrically speaking.

The choralité , according to Christophe Triau (in the important issue of the journal Alternative Theatre # 76-77 on choralité) wants foundation, basement. This is from the set to build the game on the shelf, not an afterthought to reinstate the unit on a platter and split hierarchy. The assembly is first, and is promised to diffraction - And it eats it .

I like the idea of making this principle a base, not an accident or a simple effect. This is not a denial of the individual, far from it. The willingness of all is instead on the recognition of inalienable singularities [...] : whole issue of choralité becomes - and it never ceases to tell the board to represent this tension - the construction of "common" this "being together" is anchored on (and not against) the singular and the solitudes .


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