Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Learn To Suck A Penis

The Visit [Book staging]

In rummaging through my books in search of a potentially interesting topic, I came across a definition (in the Encyclopedic Dictionary of Theatre Michael Corvin), which could well apply to the play The Visit or especially not you feel compelled to come! Michel-Marc Bouchard.

COMEDY WITH DRAWERS: In these parts, the main character is usually drawn into a series of short scenes which are juxtaposed with no other concern than to give to see a gallery of portraits and embroidering variations around a theme. [It seems to me that this is exactly what happens in this room ...] are encountered in this construction The Bore (1661) Molière, Le Mercure galant (1683) of Boursault The original (1737) Fagan. In nineteenth century, the comedy often turns drawers number of actors: Samson to admire his game and that of Provost in Family Fish (1845) he wrote himself, in The Misanthrope and Auvergne (1852) Labiche. (JM Thomasseau)


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