Sunday, February 20, 2011

Can I Get Rid Of My Lazy Eye At Age 14

In theater, this week! (From 20 to 26 February 2011)

last full week of February ... already ... and again, the theatrical activities are numerous:

Monday and Tuesday - 21 and February 22, 2011
Salle Pierrette-Gaudreault (Jonq.)
pm Monday, Tuesday am and pm

The Category receives Bluff Theatre and its production blaze in school performances only. In the schoolyard, Jonathan embraces Latifa. It is a thunderbolt which disrupts the witnesses of the scene - girls, boys, teachers and even the director - a passion which, like an eclipse observed with the naked eye, dazzles and burns their eyes. At the intersection of the clip and the oratorio, the score blends boldly luminous poetry, dance and music, come to rekindle in us the flame and excitement of first love.

Tuesday - February 22, 2011
Café Cambio (Chicoutimi), 17h

The Happy Heads Chair in Drama and sound UQAC invite you to a special appetizer (5 to 7) to be held at Café Cambio, Tuesday, Feb. 22. This is an opportunity for the entire theater community to meet, in a friendly, Always on the Horizon Theatre Company Larochelle crossing the Saguenay, and share with them our various practices.

Merc. to sell. - 23 to 25 February 2011
Studio Theatre (UQAC), 19h

Next is William Gagnon to present its draft late bacc. (Under the Festival of arts graduates UQAC 2011), Silence capital. Where now? When now? Who now? Without asking. I say. Without thinking. Call them questions, hypotheses. Go ahead, call that going, call it forward. - Samuel Beckett, The Unnamable . If I understand this is a collage of texts by Beckett.

Thursday - February 24, 2011
Center Sagamie print (Alma), 17h

As part of its passage in Saguenay (see 22, 25,26,27 February 2011), the company Always on the Horizon will present a preview of excerpts from the play Shipyard Jean-Paul Quéinnec be presented in the following days.

Thursday to Saturday - 24 to 26 February 2011
Little Theatre (UQAC), 20h

Also as part of the Festival of arts graduates of UQAC 2011 (and to close the series performances in theater), it is the turn-Gagnon Gabrielle Noumeir to his lap with I my way, his own theatrical creation. You you ever imagined going into someone's head and see his life through his eyes? This show makes you hear and see the bumpy ride of a character in search of his own life .

Thursday to Saturday - 24 to 26 February 2011
Room Murdock (Chicoutimi), 20h
(and Sunday, February 27, 2011, 14)

Vicky Simard Patrick Cote and present the results of their research and their exploration of the manipulation of puppets with Duplex . A project that promises! Puppets, manipulators ... When one is the reverse of the other ...

Friday and Saturday - 25 and February 26, 2011
Hall Cultural Factor (Jonq.), 20h
(Sunday, February 27, 2011, 14h)

As part of his visit to the Saguenay -Lac-Saint-Jean, the French company La Rochelle, Theatre Horizon always present, in collaboration with The Heads Happy and Chair of Theatre Sound UQAC Boatyard, a play by Jean-Paul Quéinnec, at Le Mont-cultural factor of Jacob, 25 and 26 February at 20h, and Sunday, February 27, to 14h. At Pallice, a district of La Rochelle, lives a family of shipyards. Year after year, the workforce is decreasing. One night, Francis, Claude and his two son Andrew, Lili and Uncle decided to sink the ship they just built and disappearing with him. The ship sinks under the eyes of the inhabitants of Pallice. Men run. Three women wake Jacques, the younger brother and go with him to 6000 km, all white to a country where they are reinventing their lives. is the first time we will have the opportunity to see a play in Quebec by French playwright Jean-Paul Quéinnec, now based in Chicoutimi, professor of theater at UQAC and holds a Canada Research Chair in Drama sound. Several texts by Jean-Paul Quéinnec were published and assembled in France. This show we will hear a voice absolutely contemporary, even obsessed, it seems, by the old sea shanties and pushed us. (Ref.: Heads of Happy )

looks like another good week!


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