Sunday, February 27, 2011

Temperature Sensor Body

In theater, this week! (From February 27 to March 5, 2011)

Fairly quiet this week ...

Today - February 27, 2011
Hall Cultural Factor (Jonq.), 14h

As part of his visit to Saguenay-Lac-Saint-Jean, the French company La Rochelle, Theatre Horizon always present, in collaboration with The Happy Heads and Chair of Theatre Sound UQAC Boatyard, a play by Jean-Paul Quéinnec. At Pallice, a district of La Rochelle, lives a family of shipyards. Year after year, the workforce is decreasing. One night, Francis, Claude and his two son Andrew, Lili and Uncle decided to sink the ship they just built and disappearing with him. The ship sinks under the eyes of the inhabitants of Pallice. Men run. Three women wake Jacques, the younger brother, and go with him to 6000 km, all white to a country where they are reinventing their lives.

Today - February 27, 2011
Room Murdock (Chic.), 14h

Vicky Simard Patrick Cote and present the results of their research and exploration of their handling of puppets Duplex . A project that promises (see my article in the View and that of the Daily )! Puppets, manipulators ... When one is upside down the other ...

Monday - February 28, 2011
Bluff Bar (Chic.), 20h
the Heads Happy offer, through the passage of the troupe Larochelle Always The Horizon , The Theatre in the making, a public reading of playwright current European and Quebec, by French actors and Quebec ... Last chance to meet the French!

Thursday to Saturday - 3 to 5 March 2011
Room Murdock (Chic.), 20h
(and Sunday, March 6, 2011, 14h)

second and final week of representation Duplex , Vicky Simard and Patrick Côté. (See above for some details).

's it, I think.


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