Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Frigoverre Replacement Caps

The Visit [Book staging]

Instead of theories or opinions, here are some photographs (in full yard!) Of the first part taken over by Christian Roberge the last weekend of rehearsal, in a setting still under construction. (Well. The images are only to give an idea of what happens to this show ... even if they do not give a fair value of the articulation of these incredible scenes!)

The decor gross ... before processing theater!

Meal with the stepmother ...

's friends ...

family ...

The family party ...

was here last weekend with the crew ... before that of 26 and 27 March ... a few days before the first! Whatever. We placed the last part (Act III, in some ways) of this piece ... for a performance that will approach (the two hours. Six more days to come!

There are beautiful scenes and others that are a little less. The pace is becoming more and more and the fact have an overview - and articulation of the show, and issues, and character development - gives a sudden decline in benefit of the parties to resume complete with a new perspective.

The sequences of the weekend - there were two - have filled an essential role: to reassure the team at the time the actors have for costume changes for the effort they must provide. The project cleared suddenly and shows the points to be considered for the following things:

- for example, the sound of footsteps on stage and behind the scenes that echo on the wooden floor;

- as For example, the rigor and precision to be applied throughout the show;

- for example, the balance of the plateau which sometimes has difficulty making;

- for example, openness to others that is sometimes lacking, so that actors are too focused on their character and less on the whole;

- Finally, and perhaps most importantly what can we learn from the exercise, it becomes obvious to all that comedy is not not in ease and stuffing individual (not a comedy show), but in the rigor, precision and virtuosity of a whole which listens and grows in the same direction.


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