Tuesday, February 15, 2011

What Does A Hard Low Cervix Mean?

hourly schedules

Every year, each season at each project, when it comes to scheduling rehearsals, the adrenaline and frustration too ... immediately suppressed by a good knowledge of the environment and its operation that forces the anemic softening ... but still ... This exercise forced

always turns into a vain attempt to square the circle. In an environment like ours where the actors can not devote to their work, it must balance family, classes, appointments, work, commitments ... while trying to stick to a principle sometimes utopian: to preserve the quality of life of participants, the quality of work to do by creating a schedule that will breathe while moving up nicely ...

Because we have no means of our ambitions ...

It always happens ... but often tortuous detours have been compromised and many ... __________________________________________

The other side of the coin is much darker and more aggressive ... or when schedules are made and suddenly, the requests are pouring from all sides (for contingencies) and forced to play again in this grim puzzle ... because between the time the actors have received and that day, everyone has filled the holes in his schedule for that family, which for a course, which for an appointment, which for a job, which for a new commitment ...

Dien forbid this year!


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