Tuesday, March 1, 2011

How To Congratulate Your Friend On Having A Baby

The Visit [Book staging]

Amazing how a piece of theater (like The Visit, for example ...) can become a pretext for great reflections on the theater (at least, this theater) and that any theoretical reading, sentences catches my eye and seem written specifically for what we're creating in Roberval ...

The latest comes from Jean-Pierre Ryngaert (in collaboration with Julie Sermon) and is from the very sharp The contemporary theatrical character decomposition, recomposition : By leveraging the apparitions and movements thus providing input and exits from repetition, the authors plunge into effect their creatures in an environment hyperthéâtral, which highlights their definition of fun.

This small theoretical line seems to explain briefly and concisely all the workings of the drama and dramatic play by Michel Marc Bouchard ... and any staging that my staff and I are trying to do ...


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