Friday, March 4, 2011

Community Service For Sorority

That takes mayonnaise ...

I love this description of the evolution of production in the last days of work when, suddenly, everything becomes a force awaited with patience. The following words are Olivier Besson appeared in an article Nodes, fragments in the always interesting number 52-54 of Alternative Theatre specifically devoted to rehearsals:

In the first few days a show, and yet nothing is done in the best case everything seems to have been said, repeated, worked in doubt. [...] The Fear rises - but not panic - because we approach the meeting with the public, but also because the team is waiting for an event still elusive, and whose perception is probably very subjective when the show will take - if it takes. Take as one would say a mayonnaise. The ingredients arranged in the order with the utmost care not enough to make a show. [...] [...]

It always happens in the last days of work before the first, and always without warning. Until then all elements had been placed side by side and patiently interconnected to start with the people. Through words, through shared experiences. And then the actors and space through movement, the actors and objects, actors and the text, thinking, emotions, the decorations and lights, with pictures, etc.. The director made sure the floor to ensure the cohesion of the progressive work patiently multiplying connections, link after link up to form the network, the densest possible, the most consistent and most intricate possible. But suddenly saw everything as if we moved to a different scale of relations: the connections become countless. A new entity, dreamed, expected, sought, invented: the show as a living body, self, exceeding all violent forms which were previously, creating an organic fabric of relations between its components, no relation to previously established connections between elements now indistinguishable, comes to life. [...]

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Best Ephedrine Substitute

The Visit [book staging]

few days ago, I presented the evolution of work in progress Theatre Mic Mac ... Here is the latest photograph (taken by Christian Roberge, chief architect of the aspect of scenery and accessories ") of The decor Visit - ours - almost finished (except for a layer of varnish and the installation of a set of curtains in the wings). Now to the actors, costumes, lighting, sound coming complete!

The desired effect will work there? Amplification of color and shape does give the desired contrast, close to the grotesque expressionism? The costumes, in particular, it will record they easily and effectively? And making faces in front of a beauty as great? Outrageous makeup? Accentuated? Kingdom? No?

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

No De Série Tv Center Pro 494

The project development

As I announced yesterday on Facebook the Masks Theatre 100 has received a grant from Department of Family and Seniors - more specifically, program support for initiatives aimed respect for elders 2010-2011 - for the implementation of phase three of its draft Teaching program tailored to customers elder residences, the project occupies a prominent place in its activities in recent years. (This program is expected in the months to come, to find a new name more practical and more dynamic.)

This program, composed of twelve sessions of an hour and a half, is divided into three parts: setting awakening (precision, spontaneity, memorization), character and imagination, creation. A series of activities or lead to a small group setting or to a small traditional production. An initial draft of Bernard and Sarah Jessica B. Pinard, who was sleeping in the drawers of the company since 2007.

After formatting Program (which lasted almost two years), the first phase of its implementation in the fall of 2009, was to form a test group, the Association of Retired of Education of Quebec (Chicoutimi section), to validate its accessibility and its feasibility. An initial assessment followed, making a few adjustments to the overall project.

The second phase (supported by AREQ, AQDR, FADOQ, Issue Table Regional Elders), funded by a grant of special projects Arts Council Saguenay, was used to set up a pilot project that allowed the team to target host three homes (the 54, the Champlain Manor and Chateau Dubuc) to verify the interest of participants for the program and see how it This can unfold on the ground. This phase took place mainly last fall, from September to December to reach a comprehensive review of issues and objectives.

At the same time kick in the second phase, we filed a grant application to the said program Support initiatives to respect elders , the one we just received.

This third phase, the largest, consists of two parts: the first is to extend the program in a dozen residences in the region to refine our services and the second being to establish Semi-permanent positions (40 weeks of 10 hours) to establish the necessary contacts and find ways to sustain the offer of services (through agreements, grants, establishment of an affordable fee schedule, etc..) while making it known throughout the territory by a wide promotion campaign based on these 10 homes participating (ideally 3 to Lac Saint-Jean, Jonquière 2 to 1 to 4 to the Bay and Chicoutimi).

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

How To Congratulate Your Friend On Having A Baby

The Visit [Book staging]

Amazing how a piece of theater (like The Visit, for example ...) can become a pretext for great reflections on the theater (at least, this theater) and that any theoretical reading, sentences catches my eye and seem written specifically for what we're creating in Roberval ...

The latest comes from Jean-Pierre Ryngaert (in collaboration with Julie Sermon) and is from the very sharp The contemporary theatrical character decomposition, recomposition : By leveraging the apparitions and movements thus providing input and exits from repetition, the authors plunge into effect their creatures in an environment hyperthéâtral, which highlights their definition of fun.

This small theoretical line seems to explain briefly and concisely all the workings of the drama and dramatic play by Michel Marc Bouchard ... and any staging that my staff and I are trying to do ...