Tuesday, December 22, 2009

How To Lock A Vip Elanza

Objective: Guide to the Best iPhone Apps

Flashcode: Active

Support: Press

Advertiser: Mobile Magazine

Content: The iPhone has good news ;-), and the second special issue of "Mobile magazine dedicated to iPhone and iPod Touch is available on newsstands (see the note here on the first issue ). You will find

240 applications tested and presented in detail in a thick magazine and fine quality (with very little advertising). It is sold € 9.5.

We appreciate particularly the presence of Flashcode which allows access from the iPhone directly to the page download the game in the AppStore iPhone , aiming with the camera of the iPhone. The software is free to use one of mobiletag (download here on AppStore )

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

How To Put Prestige Pressure Cooker Safety Valve

Cityson.info audio guide to public art!

Objective: Cityson.info is an audio bound for Mobilautes (mobile users) and intends to open a nouvellecartographie , a new representation of space Paris by providing sound creations in connection with works visual arts in their public spaces . Artworks perennial or ephemeral , institutional or alternative such a movie scene or a performance, By focusing the memory of places, passing through more traditional public procurement up architecture as sculpture monumental and plastic sign first in the landscape .

Flashcode: NC

Support: stickers and website

Advertiser: Cityson.info

Content: Cityson.info proposes to "hyper " the physical space of the city thanks to a 2D code technology, here the " flascode .

This code is printed on a sticker and placed near the works in public space . Once scanned by the camera of the mobile from the application " Mobiletag , it provides immediate access to a sound work done by young artists.

These creations skillfully combine sound and inventive way, creation and documentation to renew the concept of documentary and audio guide. The principle is that of asserting the individuality of the authors and their perspectives, while sharing their vision with the public to enable it to renew its attention paid to works in Within the city .

Monday, December 7, 2009

Best Size For Pendant Diamond

A book that reads like a blog with flashcode

Objective: A book that reads like a blog, we would want to leave a comment from time to time, and that involves new technologies (unfortunately you need a smartphone).
This book should be available to anyone buying a computer, or subscribing to an ADSL service, just to take the train running on the web.

Flashcode: NC

Support: Press

Advertiser: http://www.afmm.fr/

Content: A book, or rather a boox, which has five major innovations:
  • a book whose cover "speaks" to its future readers. Indeed, thanks to a flashcode, the authors intended - in video to their future readers
  • a book with numerous extensions (videos, websites, studies, podcasts, ...) quickly and easily accessible via flashcodes in text
  • easy to read a book that promotes serendipity.
  • a book that allows the update in near real time, and dialogue with its readers through a blog associated
  • a book that provides a detailed and very current on all changes occurred in our personal or professional life due to the explosion of the Internet.

A book of Henry Kaufman, Laurence Faguer and with the participation of Mick Guillois
296 pages - Edition November 2009 - Format 150 x 210 cm

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Bangbros Go To Brazil

The Caterers France adopt Flashcode

Objective: Always innovative in terms of cuisine and organization, Caterers in France are also in the picture they convey.
is why they included in their press a flascode communication. It returns, thanks to a mobile phone, a descriptive label Qualitraiteur and commitments made by the TDF. A link also provides access to the site or blog.
The first announcement of this style-press just published in Issue Strategies Dec. 3.

Flashcode: Active

Support: Mobile

Advertiser: www.blog-traiteursdefrance.com


Does Giving Blood Delays Periods

'The Videos Road to Success' - the BOOK

Objective: Explore the first pages of the book 'The Videos Road to Success' of Henry Kaufman & PPC bloggers

Support: Blog

Advertiser: NC

Content: flashcodes are some pages to illustrate the content.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

South Park Episodes Online Iphone

Flash Code RATP

Objective: Using Flashcode at RATP.

Flashcode: NC

Support: video

Advertiser: RATP

Content: Danielle Gance explains the Flash code and its use for users of the RATP.